“Challenge yourself; it’s the only path which leads to growth”

Morgan Freeman

Current Challenges

Registration is CLOSED for walk/run challenge.

Registration is open for Team challenge until August 21

August 2022 Team Challenge

For this challenge, you will pick two teammates to join you with one stipulation; at least one team member must be a female. The challenge will consist of 5 exercises and a run which can be completed in the order of the team’s choosing. The team will be timed while completing the cumulative amount of reps as listed below and run/walk the cumulative distance for each team member according to their age bracket. Each team can select the order that they complete the exercises and who does what exercise. The fastest team to complete their determined amount of distance and reps wins. Prizes will be awarded to the first place team and additional prizes will be given out randomly based on participation. The table below outlines the exercises and the amount of reps each team member is responsible for based on age and gender. Each team will compete one time and the testing dates to choose from are August 22nd, 24th, or 26th. Pick your team and get ready to compete!

Details of the challenge can be found here.


August 2022 Walk/Run Challenge

The return of a favorite! A one month challenge where participants walk or run as many miles as possible. A winner for male and female, will be awarded to the individuals with the most total miles accumulated during the one month challenge. Additional prizes will also be given out randomly for participation.

All miles must be logged in a booklet that will be provided to you. This must submitted no later than Sept 7th.